We do the work that we do because we want to contribute to people’s lives by adding capability and choice. Whether it’s in the workplace – generating stronger leadership and healthy, robust relationships – or at home – enhancing your success in parenting – we’ll assist you to be a better version of you and we’ll help to make your organisation more robust and effective at the same time.
We understand what it takes to shift human behaviour and we know how to work with you to achieve that shift and to keep the change.
In so doing, we aim to create positive, healthy and engaging places of work under the care of great leaders.
A nifty side effect of doing our work is that we are also constantly challenged to shift. We learn continually from our clients and are thankful for what they teach us.
Creativeintension provides uniquely tailored services that are aimed at significantly enhancing organisational and individual capability.
Our clients typically seek us out:
- when they feel a need for clarity of strategic intent and/or a change in culture
- when they are struggling with engagement and cohesion in an executive team,
- when they are struggling to get their people to ‘step-up’ and lead
- when they are struggling to deliver consistent, reliable performance outcomes
Using the insight born of experience and close study of the human condition, we have developed practical and proven frameworks to establish highly engaged and committed leadership teams consistently delivering high performance outcomes.
We understand the value of strategy and culture supported by strong systems and leadership. We also understand the need for individual capability and competence and so we have a Registered Training Organisation (RTO) that can support your need for competency assurance.
Roger McInerney founded creativeintension in 2002 based on many years of experience in leadership and consulting roles with other organisations. In essence he surrendered to his ‘calling’ – listening to and assisting others to achieve core shift in their own and their organisation’s capability. Roger is joined by a team of very capable and experienced people who can design and deliver change programs of any scale.
““Roger and his team consistently guide us in processes that achieve the shift that we’re after and he does that in a way that is challenging yet safe for our people as they engage in a new level of enquiry and conversation”
- designed and facilitated a Culture shaping process involving over 900 employees and contractors to develop corporate values – for a major mining company
- designed and conducted leadership programs for hundreds of managers from Executive to Front line, in several industries in several countries including Australia, Argentina, Indonesia, Fiji and Papua New Guinea
- measured and proved return on investment for leadership programs for several significant Australian organisations
- designed and led successful Safety Culture change programs for several major companies
- designed elegant performance management, competency assurance and other key business systems
- conducted thousands of competency based programs within our RTO which is now classed as self-regulating due to our flawless record of success
- provided one on one coaching and mentoring for all of our clients
In all of this we have managed to remind ourselves that we are like ‘the eternal apprentice’; our own learning has just begun…